Friday, 11 November 2011

Oh tideway, how we've missed you!

The first big race has finally hit LUBC. The men's four took to London on 5th November 2011 to row the 6.4km horror that is Fours Head 2011. After only four weeks of intensive training, this was to be a challenge to all rowers and their cox. The tideway consists of tough water, huge amounts of competition and a very fast stream.

We rocked up to our boats and started rigging bright and early at 7.30 in preparation for an outing. This was to practise catching the fastest part of the stream for the cox and to relax the rowers. We ploughed up and down the gap between Barnes and Chiswick bridge and came into our tent to keep warm and maintain energy levels for the slog ahead.

At 11.11 the boat took to the water to find their marshalling position and endure the hour long wait until it was their turns to start their race. The race was tough and the boys powered through to the end and the horrendous row back and after derigging we took to the road for some well deserved KFC and an impromptu night in sugar... However, we waited anxiously, checking online every ten minutes to see the results. When they eventually got put up, we found that the heavies had stormed in at a fantastic 186th.

It was a good result and set a good precedent for the rest of the season. Our final race of the term will be Rutherford Head on 2nd December and there will be an indoor event next weekend at Chester, so keep checking for more info and results!

Over and out